Thursday, September 22, 2005

What are we feeding that kid

Hey, I haven't posted in a bit ... been really busy lately. In the past few week my wife has had surgery to remove her gall bladder. I will now forever listen to her when she says " honey I think I have a bad stomach ache". Since Now I am paying for it, since I told her to suck it up and that she just ate something that didn't agree with her. Bad husband!!! But how was I to know?

Turner is getting huge and still will not sleep through the night. He seems to have developed quite a schedule though, he gets up every night at midnight and three o'clock am. I hope I will get some sleep soon.

We have started a few times to feed him his first baby foods. To start him out we had pears ..... Big hit... He loved them. He still does not get the concept that pulling it in with the tongue is important but he sure does love the taste..

And as you see from the pictures he is starting to be a little ham.